Daily Doodle is complete!
For those of you who missed the excitement last week – I finally finished my epic Daily Doodle project and completed my 365th illustration on Sunday 20th February, only a few weeks behind schedule.
The aim of the project was to develop my skill while raising money for one of my favorite charities through donations and art sales. The project has raised over £500 for Shelter so far and I’m continuing my fundraising efforts throughout 2011 by selling prints and perhaps even holding an exhibition later this year. There are lots of plans in the works for these doodles so keep an eye out on the blog!
I’m still buzzing from crossing the finish line – it’s been a lot of fun and I’ve learned a lot along the way. I’ve burned through over 800 sheets of printer paper, 18 fine liners, 2 sharpies and more cups of tea than I can count.
I’m sure no one wants to hear me bang on anymore than I already have about the great work that Shelter do – but I’m so pleased that I’ve been able to help raise just a small fraction of the money they need to continue doing their good deeds across the UK.
The challenge of creating a doodle every day has played an integral role in the development of illustration style and I would certainly recommend it to anyone who is looking to learn while growing their portfolio. It’s been tough going, especially for someone as routine adverse as me, but it forced me to make time to commit to my craft and develop a style that I feel is truly my own.
Throughout the year, the project has been featured in Design Week, Creative Pool, The Sentinel and of course, it’s regular slot on Creative Boom magazine!
I’ve been overwhelmed by the response the project has received and I’d like to thank everyone who has shown their support by making donations, purchasing the works and spreading the word through their blogs and social media channels.You can still show your support over on my fundraising page: www.justgiving.com/dailydoodle2010 or by buying some limited edition signed merch over at my online shop.
Although the project has finished, I will still be doodling regularly as it’s just too much fun not to! You can keep up with my work by following me on Twitter @stina_jones where I’ll no doubt be announcing another creative project real soon.
You can browse all 365 illustrations on the doodle blog here: dailydoodle2010.blogspot.com
5 thoughts
Congrats! It’s been a pleasure following. :)
Congrats, Stina! You’ve done a brilliant job raising funds so far, I’m sure Shelter will be delighted.
I’ve loved showcasing your Daily Doodle project on Creative Boom and really sad to see it’s all over. We’ll continue to support you wherever and whenever we can. In the meantime, people can view all the Daily Doodles on Creative Boom via http://www.creativeboom.co.uk/daily-doodle/.
Well done Stina for putting so much hard work and talent into this and for such a worthwhile cause as well! :D
Congratulations! This has been one of the best ongoing projects I followed this year; a great idea, it was for a great cause and you did a superb job all round :)
Congratulations! A fantastic effort towards a great cause and fab illustrations all the way. Very well done.