Illustration for DisColouring Book 2
The studio is back in full swing now after a lovely break for Christmas and New Year. First on the agenda was an illustration I created for issue 2 of the very awesome, DisColouring Book.
This unique colouring book is aimed at a wide audience from kids, to those of any age with an avid interest in art. It’s filled with original artwork from some of the hottest urban artists on the scene.
On her Facebook page, publisher Sophie Edwards says, “Colouring books have never been just about colouring in and keeping within the lines. They provide visual information and and can tell complex and beautiful stories stimulating your imagination. DisColouring Book takes this concept a step further, inviting you to draw outside the lines and add on your own ideas to the images, making yourself the story teller and going in any direction you choose.”
With the first issue fixed firmly on my Christmas shopping list – I was stoked to have been asked to appear in the second issue, which will be available for sale on the 14th February this year. You can purchase a copy for just £5.99 directly on the Facebook page and either keep it as a collectors item, or buy one to colour and collaborate with the artists featured.
I love getting involved in creative collaboration projects like this. If you have a project coming up that you think I can add to with some illustrations, please do contact me.